1- Respect the other members of this forum
2- No posting images or posts that are sexist, racist or contain nudity.
3- Please respect the opinions of others on Forums.
4- Spamming is not tolerated.
5- Double Posting is not allowed unless you have a good reason to do it.
6- If your thread is closed, please don't argue with the Admin or the mod.
7- feel free to say whatever you want, as long as it's not insulting, spamming, and doesn't break another rule.
8-Please use proper grammar on the forums.
If someone breaks a rule, then they will recieve infractions. A thread has been created stating how many infractions one can get for breaking the rules. More infractions will result in a ban.
If you have a signature image, please keep it less that 450(width)x250(height/length)
If you have any more questions, please contact elliotstriforce or Ninten*. This thread will be updated over time so please read it every once in a while.
2- No posting images or posts that are sexist, racist or contain nudity.
3- Please respect the opinions of others on Forums.
4- Spamming is not tolerated.
5- Double Posting is not allowed unless you have a good reason to do it.
6- If your thread is closed, please don't argue with the Admin or the mod.
7- feel free to say whatever you want, as long as it's not insulting, spamming, and doesn't break another rule.
8-Please use proper grammar on the forums.
If someone breaks a rule, then they will recieve infractions. A thread has been created stating how many infractions one can get for breaking the rules. More infractions will result in a ban.
If you have a signature image, please keep it less that 450(width)x250(height/length)
If you have any more questions, please contact elliotstriforce or Ninten*. This thread will be updated over time so please read it every once in a while.