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    Rules of the SMD

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    1Rules of the SMD Empty Rules of the SMD Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:57 pm



    Zelda Webmaster

    The Serioussly Mature Disscussion has it's on specific rules. Listed below are the rules and how much points you could get for breaking them. Depending on how bad it is, you might be warned first.

    1. No discriminating against anyone (8 points)
    2. No flaming (5 points)
    3. Any harsh behavior towards a member because of their beliefs will NOT be tolerated. (8 points)
    4. Please obey the original site rules, as they still apply here. (Look at Infractions Thread)
    5. Topics that are pointless or do not belong will be deleted or moved. (0 points)
    6. Arguing in the middle of a topic is NOT tolerated.(3 points)
    7. No debating outside of debating topics (3 points)
    8. No foul language (7 points)
    9. Please use proper grammar. No text language or abbreviations (4 points)
    10. If you make fun of another's belief, you will get an 8 point infraction if you do.
    11. Have fun


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