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Infraction System

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1Infraction System Empty Infraction System Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:40 pm



Zelda Webmaster

I've been working for about a while on the Infraction System. The Infraction System gives you points for breaking rules. The more points you get, the closer you'll get to a ban.

Here's how long you'll get banned for the amount of points you have.

10 points- 1 week ban
15 points- 2 week ban
20 points- 1 month ban
30 points- 2 month ban
40 points- 4 month ban
50 points- Permenant Ban

Signature Size Limit: 2 points if warning is ignored
Flaming: 7 Points
Spam:(as in pictures and links. This constitutes for multiple things)-5 Points
Only posting within the Forum Games section: 6 points
Abuse of emoticons: 1 Point
Disrespecting Staff: 2 Points
Any other rule break: 4+ Points (depending on the rule)
Making posts insulting others: (includes members, religions etc) 5 points

Currently on your profile, you will see a few bars which represents your infraction points. You only have to worry about the one with the number.

You may get a green bar which means that you have 0-3 points.

Infraction System WarningBar-Gloss1

There is also a yellow bar which means that you have 4-5 points.

Infraction System WarningBar-Gloss2

There is also an orange bar which means that you have 6-7 points.

Infraction System WarningBar-Gloss3

There is also a red bar which means that you have 8-9 points.

Infraction System WarningBar-Gloss4

Of course, they willl expire about a month after you get them so if you get 8 points for breaking a rule, you won't get banned 2 months later for breaking another.

But if you get unnbanned, you're bar will go back to green and it'll be the same for the other bars when you break a rule. (But, if you're a constant offender, or a known offender, you will be put on a period of probation. Any broken rules will result in an immediate ban)

Any questions concerning this, please ask Ninten*(Xero), or elliotstriforce. This thread may be edited over time so please read it every once in a while


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